Dill, also know as Laotian cilantro or Lao coriander, is most often associated with pickled cucumbers. However, for centuries dill has been recognized by chefs as a versatile herb that enhances the flavor of a variety of dishes. Dill has a long history of use and evidence has been found of cultivation during the Neolithic era. Dill’s fine, feathery leaves add flavor, color, and texture to many dishes and it is considered a staple in Baltic, Russian, and Central Asian cuisine.
Taste and Uses
Dill has a delicate earthy flavor and aroma, sometimes confused with fennel. To experience the true flavor of dill it must be used fresh, dried substitutes cannot compare. Chop the leaves and stem and add to your dishes for a burst of fresh flavor. It is most famous for its pairing with potatoes and fish, however, it makes a wonderful addition to soups, stews, and many cream-based sauces.
Kitchen Tips
Dill is best enjoyed fresh; however, if it must be cooked add it at the end of the cooking process. Overcooking dill is not recommended as heat quickly breaks down the flavor. To use North Shore Living® Dill snip what you need from the root ball, wash and pat dry. Then mince it finely with a sharp kitchen knife. When substituting fresh herbs in a recipe calling for dry, one part dry is equal to three parts North Shore Living®. Try one of our recipes or simply pair it with some of the ingredients suggested below:
- Vegetables: asparagus, beats, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, fennel, green bean, peas, potato, radishes, sugar snap peas, tomato, turnips
- Seafood: cod, crab, salmon, scallops, shrimp, whitefish
- Meat and Poultry: bacon, chicken, lamb, meat loaf, pork chops
- Soups and Sauces: carrot soup, clam chowder, chicken soup, cream of asparagus soup, mustard sauce, potato soup, vodka sauce
- Dairy: cheese, cottage cheese, cream cheese, crème fraiche, eggs, goat cheese, omelets, soufflé, sour cream, yogurt
- Legumes and Grains: black eyed peas, bulgur, lentils, rice
- Fruit and Dessert: apple, avocado, currants, lemon
- Herbs and Seasoning: caraway, cayenne, coriander, cumin, Dijon mustard, garlic, mint, mustard, oregano, parsley, tarragon, thyme
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