Chives have been known for at least 5,000 years, but little was recorded until the 19th century. The French made the herb popular by incorporating it into their cuisine during that period. Chives are known for their taste as equally as their ornamental value. In the Middle Ages bunches of chives were hung around a home for decoration and also because it was believed they warded off disease and evil spirits. Today, chives are also known for their beauty and are one of the most popular garnishes available.
Taste and Uses
Chives have a delicate onion flavor and are a great substitute for onion if you prefer a milder flavor or are cooking for finicky eaters. The tender, mild leaves are eaten raw or cooked in many dishes.
Kitchen Tips
Chives can easily be substituted for onion in many recipes; however, it is important to understand that the longer they are cooked the less potent their flavor will be. To enjoy the full flavor of chives use them uncooked as a garnish. To use North Shore Living® Chives snip what you need from the root ball, wash and pat dry. If your recipe calls for it, mince the long stalks finely with a sharp kitchen knife. When substituting fresh herbs in a recipe calling for dry, one part dry is equal to three parts North Shore Living®. Try one of our recipes or simply pair it with some of the ingredients suggested below:
- Vegetables: carrot, broccoli, mushroom, potato, turnips
- Seafood: crab, halibut, oysters, salmon, scallops, shrimp, trout, whitefish
- Meat and Poultry: chicken, bacon, ham, lamb, steak, turkey, venison, veal
- Soups and Sauces: chili, Vichyssoise, avocado soup, carrot soup, clam chowder, creamy mushroom
- Dairy: blue cheese, brie, cottage cheese, cream cheese, gorgonzola, omelet, soufflé, sour cream
- Legumes and Grains: fava beans, herbed breads, lentils, risotto, white or cannellini beans
- Fruit and Dessert: avocado, apple, lemon, fig, melon, plum, peach, persimmon
- Herbs and Seasoning: basil, black pepper, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme
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